Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Bilingual Education For Foreign Students

Bilingual Education in the northeastern United States and Canada serves many advantages and benefits for students of limited English skills. Since the early sixty†s, it continues to serve a great advantage to foreign students. This is important because it gives these students the opportunity to achieve the â€Å"American Dream†. American educators have argued that the aim of education should be to assimilate a foreign student into the American mainstream, become good American citizens, and not keep their ethnic identity. The proponents of bilingual education believe that this form of instruction belittles a child†s ethnic and cultural heritage, creates low self-esteem, and fosters a high dropout rate. Therefore, certain bilingual education approaches encourages students† to maintain their language, ethnic and cultural identity, while at the same time learning a new language and culture altogether. Bilingual Education provides instruction for students in two languages. The primary goal of bilingual education in the United States is to teach English to students who don†t speak English or have limited English proficiency (LEP). Although Florida and California have decided to do away with this educational approach, the controversy regarding bilingual education will never end. In this paper different bilingual education approaches will be defined and the history of Bilingual Education will be touched upon. The Proposition 227 controversy and several views towards bilingual education will be discussed. The final conclusion will show my feelings toward bilingual education. There are many approaches that are used to instruct LEP students. Transitional bilingual education (TBE), which is currently incorporated in the NJ school systems, is geared to move LEP students into monolingual classes within two or three years. Programs such as this instruct students† in their native language in the same academic level as their monolingual peers. After appropriate English proficiency level is achieved the LEP students† are able to transfer skills to function successfully in a monolingual class. At the same time students† are also enrolled in classes that teach them English as a second language (ESL) (CQ Researcher, 1996). Bilingual proponents who prefer the developmental bilingual education (DBE) believe that the transitional approach defeats the whole purpose of bilingual education, because it doesn†t maintain a student†s native language. The critics prefer DBE because it is designed to teach both the students† native language and English. Using this approach the student is able to enhance his or her skills in their native language and also be able to learn English up until sixth grade. â€Å"The idea, they say, is to teach additive bilingualism, which makes students fluent in two languages while making them more nimble learners† (CQ Researchers, 1996). According to the article, â€Å"Teaching English to Non-English Speakers offers a Wide Range of Techniques† in the CQ Researchers (1996), the most sophisticated developmental approach is called two-way bilingual education. This approach mixes non-English speaking students with roughly an equal number of English speakers in the same classroom. Students are taught in one language in the morning and the other language in the afternoon. This approach gears to make both sets of students bilingual at levels of fluency that allow each to advance in language as well as in other subjects. Such programs are rare, but where they exist, and where they have well trained bilingual teachers (teachers fluent in both languages and who use interactive or group-learning techniques), most researchers and observers say that students perform better at every energy level of learning than their peers, no matter what kind of instruction the non-two-way students receive (CQ Researchers, 1996). Immersion education is another kind of teaching approach to bilingual education. In these classes, known as special alternative instructional programs, the most popular being structured immersion – students learn their second language from instructors who teach them subject matter presented in the new language. While immersion is based on instruction in the student†s second language, it is not what they call â€Å"sink-or-swim†. â€Å"Sink-or-swim† is when the teacher offers no extra help in learning the new language. The United States Supreme Court, in Lau v. Nichols(1974), declared that not offering extra help was a violation of federal civil rights law (CQ Researchers, 1996). The St.Lambert French immersion program was inaugurated in 1965 in Canada. It was designed to provide proficiency in both aspects of the French language, to promote English proficiency, to ensure an appropriate developmental level of achievement in academic subjects, and to have the students understand and appreciate the French Canadian without taking away from the students† identity for the English Canadian culture. These goals were shared by most of the immersion programs in Canada (cited in Paulston, 1988). The final approach is called alternate immersion, also known as sheltered English or sheltered subject-matter instruction. In sheltered classes children learn their second language first by studying subjects. My aunt, Odainy Tansey, who teaches in a bilingual school in Passaic New Jersey, says that the school board is attempting to introduce sheltered English into the classroom. She stated that sheltered English is not going to be a good approach in introducing a new language to foreign students. The language learning situation contains the necessary ingredients for second-language learning. There are three major components: (1) learners that realize that they need that target language (TL) and are motivated to make that move to learn English; (2) instructors who know the target language well enough to provide the learning tools needed to be able to learn English; and (3) a learning environment that allows both the students and the instructors together to be able to put the learning process to work. All three components are crucial in the learning process of a language. Although there are many different approaches, these three major steps are important. The three learning processes can be described as (1) social, (2) linguistic, and (3) cognitive (cited by Bialystok, 1991, 52). There are many questions concerning bilingual studies. For those whose families speak only Spanish, â€Å"it provides an inconsistent and not terribly successful process of remediation† (Kozol, 1985). For many of the most successful English-speaking students, on the other hand, foreign language study is a sign of excellence, preeminence, and academic promise. The law declares that classes conducted exclusively in English are â€Å"inadequate† for the education of children whose native tongue is another language and that bilingual education programs are necessary â€Å"to ensure equal educational opportunity to every child† (Pialorsi, 1974). Massachusetts became the first state to require and provide bilingual programs for children whose first language is not English. Soon after New York, California, Illinois, and Texas had laws permitting local school districts to provide bilingual education (Pialorsi, 1974). Although bilingual education still does exist in many states. Florida has completely done away with it, and California is in the process of also getting rid of bilingual education. The ballot initiative, Proposition 227, will soon end bilingual education in California public schools. Bilingual education was fully designed to involve immigrant parents in the education of their kids or to meet the needs of a sudden influx of refugees. Under this new ballot, children will receive no more than one year in English instruction of what is called sheltered English. Though the sheltered method is untested as a means of moving large numbers of kids into the mainstream classes, it is now the law (The New Republic, 1998). Proposition 227 was written by Ron Unz, a Republican multimillionaire from Silicon Valley, he got the idea from a group of Mexican-American parents. Most of the parents thought that the bilingual education system was holding their children back. Polls taken before Tuesday†s election indicated that anywhere â€Å"between 30 and 60 percent of Latino voters on California approved of the measure (The New Republic, 1998). Latinos agreed with this ballot as opposed to Proposition 187, where they took it as a form of immigrant bashing. In a monograph published by the New Jersey Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages-Bilingual Education (NJTESOL-BE), Professor Collier shares some of her less publicized insights. â€Å"We must encourage language-minority parents to speak the first language at home, not to speak English†¦to deny a child the only means of communicating with his parents†¦is tantamount to physical violence to that student† (Amselle, 1996). Bilingual Education can be a rewarding experience if instructed by the right people in the right manner. Sheltered English seems to be a terrible way to introduce English to a non-English speaker. The student will not be able to learn the language correctly and will not be able to get their correct thoughts across. Learning just pieces of a language is not good enough. That is just like going to a country that does not speak English as a first language with only one year of practice in that language. It will be difficult to ask where the bathroom is let alone take a test in that language. The only way for Bilingual Education to work is if they use the two-way bilingual education. This approach will allow both non-English speaking and English speaking students to learn each others† language. This approach will not make either student feel inferior to one another. Bilingual Education in the northeastern United States and Canada serves many advantages and benefits for students of limited English skills. The program has many good points and positive outcomes that out weight the negative outcomes. Most of the students result in success. Every child has their own style of learning and no matter what you are teaching there will always be one or two students that need special attention. Instead of doing away with the Bilingual Education program, they should design it so that it is full proof for the most part. The United States of America is considered the â€Å"melting pot†. There are so many different cultures and languages. There are people who are willing to put in extra effort and assist in making the Bilingual Education approach a successful one, and that is what should be put into perspective.

In a Perfect World.

In a perfect world. You're unhappy. Chances are if you're reading this you're unhappy about something. That’s just how the world is today. People seem to always be upset about something even if it’s small your life has some conflict in it, or so it seems. Everyone you meet has some â€Å"Skelton in their closet. † People today seem to forget to stop and smell the roses. Sometimes its uncontrollable things like depression and psychological problems they can't control and is that really fair? In a perfect world everyone would be mentally stable and equal.Get the help they need. Be grateful for this truly magical thing we call life. The beautiful mystery of why and how we were created. What caused the blood to pulse through our veins the breath to move in and out of our lungs and how we can control ourselves and think in a way more superior to all other species known? The thing is people have took this advantage and used in a way not intended to be used. There is so much evil in the world today. The world has turned into something that induces fear in the pit of my heart and soul.Murder is now common, and rape is an everyday occurrence, people die every second and that could be my family or friends, depression is at an all time high, divorce is more common than not, and kids are having their own kids! The image of the perfect world is so blurry to me and I think the reason that is there’s nothing wrong with this world! The problem lies within the people who inhabit it! Our creator made this beautiful and man who sins modified it. Like a beautiful painting then man came and wrecked it scribbling and deteriorating the innate beauty.In a perfect world people would be nice to others; everyone would be kind to the world. In our world today so many people are born with disabilities that disable them a fair chance, having these disabilities present sometime helps people better off to appreciate life, sometimes they are a message and sometimes they are present for an unknown reason. Although in the big picture is that fair to THEM? These people are human beings too! We all only get one chance, you only live once. So is it fair their only chance at life is crippled by their disabilities by no fault of their own?In a perfect world the complications of this conflict would cease to exist. People today have strong beliefs about anything and everything, for example people of the Westboro Baptist church picket fallen soldiers graves! If they are members of a Christian community though they should listen to the bible and realize that is not the way the bible states something in James 4: 11-12 that I think is something to be taken to heart. â€Å"Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law.But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, He who is able to save an d to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? † In a perfect world everyone could be who they are and not be judged or bullied. You see what I believe and what I’ve tried to show you in this report is this world is perfect, the thing that makes the world imperfect is how everyone behaves and the only way we can make it better is by bettering ourselves! So don't judge, be nice, and just try and be your best.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Apple iphone case study

Brand loyalty is incredible. People will lineup in the freezing cold overnight Just to Boone of the first to get their hands on the oenophile! (Gannett, 2012) From the anti-capitalism point of evidences like phone counts as luxuries. Thinking this kind of huge prices could be speedometer more vital. Employ high technologies. This frequencies features for at least two purposes. One, First degree price discrimination endow, luxury customer acquisitiveness's high technology along with hightail hardware component turn Philippine into very costly merchandise. Robbery many people cannot afford the price. Ease of use. Apple utilizes user friendliness elements for both hardware underwear parts of phone. 3. 5 mm audio Jack would be a good example! phone is equipped with own Apple sloganeering system, ISO. And APS which work with ISO can only be downloaded from Passport. Other rivals like Android have unmeritorious channels. 12 29 Former CEO, Steve Jobs' role in developmental and leading Apple to the marketability. Steve Jobs died on Cot 2011.We can still sissies works and ideas in Apple phone. His allocate be an excessive damage to the company. Having strategic agreements with well-known mobile carriers. Like T-Mobile and&T Apple summary of PESTLE Analysis Falsifications The supply and manufacture of many critical components is performed by sole- sourced outsourcing partners in the U. S. , Asia and Europe. Outsourcing partners in Asia perform final assembly of substantially all of the company's hardware products.Manufacturing or logistics in these locations or transit to functionalities may be disrupted for a variety of reasons including, but not limited, natural and man-made disasters, information technology system failures,military actions or economic, business, labor, environmental, public health, or Political issues. (APPLE INC. , 2012) interruptions have caused and could cause damage or disruption conversational commerce and the global economy, and thus could have a materialness effect on he Company, its suppliers, logistics providers, manufacturing vendors and customers, including channel partners.The Company's business operations are subject to interruption by natural disasters, fire, power shortages,nuclear power plant accidents, terrorist attacks, and other hostile acts, labor disputes, public health issues, and other events beyond its control. (APPLE INC. ,2012) Econometricians The global recession is having a serious impact on Apple's retail performance The follow-on effects from global economic conditions on the Compulsiveness's could affect the Company's ability to obtain componentsTherefore,the Company remains subject to significant risks of supply shortages and pregnancies. The Company expects to experience decreases in its gross margin percentage in future periods, as compared to levels achieved during 2012,argyle due to a higher mix of new and innovative products with flat or reduced pricing that have higher cost structures and de liver greater value to customers anticipated component cost and other cost increases.Future strengthening of the U. S. Dollar could also negatively impact gross margin. (APPLE INC. , 2012) 13 Social factors The Company's business requires it to use and store customer, employee, and business partner personally identifiable information (?PIE). This may include names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, contact, preferences, detoxification numbers, and payment account information.Although maliciousness's to gain access to PI affect many companies across various industries,the Company may be at a relatively greater risk of being targeted because of thighs profile and the amount of PI managed. (APPLE INC. , 2012) Declassifications $3. 4 billion for 2012 which is a crucial manner in Tuesdays competition (APPLE INC. , 2012) Environmentalists The Company also sells its hardware and software products to enterprise and government customers in each of its geographic segments.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - Essay Example The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin focuses upon the overarching theme of self-motivation as he talks in detail about his experiences and intentions to serve as role model for the other people. In the autobiography he describes his life journey begun as a poor and unknown son of candle maker that turned to a successful businessman and started getting respectfully acknowledged in the American society. He tells the reader the key factors behind his success and talks about the virtues that he strived to acquire in order to foster the process of self-improvement. The autobiography reflects his thoughts and intentions towards self-improvement for which he developed a personal plan comprising of thirteen virtues. The thirteen virtues he identified as part of his personal plan of conduct include â€Å"temperament, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquillity, chastity and humility† (Franklin, p77-78). He explains the pr ecepts of these virtues and talks about the process through which he attempted to acquire these virtues in his life. Rather attempting to acquire all the virtues at a time he decided to focus upon them one after one. He tells "My intention being to acquire the habitude of all these virtues, I judg'd it would be well not to distract my attention by attempting the whole at once, but to fix it on one of them at a time; and, when I should be master of that, then to proceed to another, and so on, till I should have gone thro' the thirteen" (Franklin, p78) Franklin explains his personal plan that he followed to acquire the thirteen virtues. In the beginning he realized that his personality needs much more improvements as he expected. He did thorough self-examination and realistically identified his personality fault to overcome them. He feel satisfied that following his plan resulted in diminishing the faults and flaws of his personality. He took one week to acquire one virtue and after t hirteen week he started the process again and repeated four time a year, then once in a year and then only once in several years. However, he followed and remained stick to these virtues throughout his life till his death. Franklin tells the story of his self-improvement mainly through the description of his personal plan and detailed explanation of the thirteen virtues and his quest to acquire those. The autobiography tells that his efforts of self-improvement were directed by self-motivation. He thinks realistically about his personality flaws and always remained eager to learn the ways for self-improvement. He read several books and texts to know about the virtues that could help in self-improvement and his reading and observations resulted in the formation of compact set of thirteen virtues. He was self-motivated to acquire the virtues to improve his personality. As he said " I wish'd to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural incli nation, custom, or company might lead me into" (Franklin, p77) The reading unveils that self-improvement plays key role in the life of Benjamin Franklin and his autobiography is great source of inspiration for the readers as it talks about the path of achieving self-improvement. The description of self-improvement plan led by Franklin affirms that he is not self-promoter but genuinely a benevolent man

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Identifying Dina's Issues in Packer's Drinking Coffee Elsewhere Essay

Identifying Dina's Issues in Packer's Drinking Coffee Elsewhere - Essay Example She copes through displacing her mental location from her physical location, being someone else who exists outside of her own circumstance. Packer explores the experience of being eighteen and trying to understand ones own role in the world while navigating a foreign culture that emerges when leaving home and entering a university. The world of an individual changes when they leave home and enter a university setting. Most young people have lived with their family in a specific type of neighborhood for most of their lives. Even people who have moved frequently trend to gravitate towards neighborhoods that are familiar. Therefore, children have a specific perspective before they leave their family for college which is challenged by the new culture that confronts them within a university setting. For Packer, this university setting was Yale where from the beginning she felt challenged for the protective measures of distrust she had developed in her life. Her orientation involved games of trust which did not suit her perspective on others in the world which was automatically mistaken for a part of her racial identity.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

14 th amendment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

14 th amendment - Research Paper Example The 14th amendment to the American constitution is highly pertinent because it explicitly addresses immigration and nationality act to give equal protection to its citizens across race, color and culture. 14th amendment was also designed to strengthen the Civil Rights Act of 1875. This is one of most important amendments that helped to declare the Afro-Americans as rightful citizens of America and promoted equality across race, color and culture. When civil Rights had come into force, the color of the skin played a major role in the social status. The whites had maintained a racial divide within the society through deliberate use of powerful lobby of the whites and financial advantages that they enjoyed. The blacks were not allowed to become part of mainstream society so that they remained socially and economically unequal. The Amendment was a huge step towards bridging the socio-cultural and racial gaps in the American society. The equal protection is a critical part that gives legal rights of citizenship to the non white population of America. It clearly established that ‘all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States ... nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws’ (US constitution). It paved way for tranquil growth of new American society that valued democratic framework. It became a major propeller of social justice across the race and color and provided the former slaves with legal rights to fight against discriminatory social practices. Interestingly separate but equal was a highly controversial doctrine that the white population exploited to gain undue advantages. The words like privileges or immunities, due process of law etc. were misrepresented to favor white population against the non white individuals in the court

Friday, July 26, 2019

Feminist Legal Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Feminist Legal Theory - Essay Example The paper will examine the portions that constitute these two aspects and what makes them interconnected. In other words, an examination of how legal feminism as a concept affects feminist legal research will be done. Feminist legal scholars argue for a renewed dimension of research. They claim that gender recognitions had not been made in the past and that there is a need for adoption of a different phenomenon known as emancipator research. In other words, they are claiming that legal work needs to reflect the challenges affected by both sexes rather than merely focusing on the needs and perspectives of a universal experience. Radical legal feminists argue that men's experiences have always been treated as neutral or universal while female experiences are regarded as private or even negative. Consequently, these groups of legal feminists claim that there should be a radical transformation in law by accepting and changing power roles in the profession.1 Feminist research in law has been treated as something that lacks objectivity by opponents to this phenomenon. However, legal feminist researchers claim that objectivity is in fact a term coined by non feminists in an attempt to hide women's own subjectivity in law. Consequently, these proponents argue that research should not be treated as devoid off subjects. Instead, there should be an emphasis on the experiences and the actual challenges that subjects undergo in their everyday lives. Additionally, the latter adherents also claim that the utilisation of models during the research process is another way of forgetting the subject and thus renders such researches invalid. Distinctive features about feminist approaches to the study of law and how it compares to other approaches in the course Feminist legal theory is founded upon the premise that the law has been central in depicting historical subordination of women. There are two ways in which feminist legal theory can be treated the first is with regard to jurisprudence in which the law can be perceived as something that has been oppressive to the female gender. The second aspect is with regard to the transformation of society's perception of women through the law or through a reworking of the law. 2 This approach to the study of law is different from other arenas owing to the fact that it challenges the way the rights based approach to law or the liberal values in law are dealt with. The latter approach is synonymous with the liberal equality model of law. Here, greater emphasis is given to the issue of genuine rights accorded to the different genders rather than some of the conventional rights that have been accorded in the past to women. Through this school of thought, it is possible to see that there are certain links between injustice and gender. Feminist approach to law has also been instrumental in understanding that there are real differences between the genders and that these differences need not be obscured by the law. Instead, feminists assert that these differences should be brought to the table. The latter school of thought is held by sexual difference model adherents. However, the latter model is not synonymous to other feminists who claim that in order to ensure historic preclusion by the law is completely eradicated, then there must be treatment of both sexes as equal. These proponents hold that when the differences betwe

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Coca-Cola Financial Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Coca-Cola Financial Perspective - Essay Example The vision of the company covers internal and external factors that influence its operations (Begley, 2000). These include people, portfolio, partners, planet, profit and productivity. People-The company aims at motivating it employees to enhance their performance Portfolio-Coca-Cola aims at expanding its brand portfolio and bring to the world quality brands that meet the needs of its consumers. Partners- Coca-Cola aims at creating a strong network of suppliers and customers. Planet-Coca-Cola is focused at becoming a responsible firm that supports sustainable communities (Kurtz, 2010). Profit-To maximize shareholders returns and improve on its profitability. Productivity-Coca-Cola aims at becoming an effective and fast growing company. Overall strategy In its effort to produce quality brands that have remained competitive in the soft-drink industry, Coca-Cola has adopted a winning culture that defines its behaviors towards its 2020 vision. These include effective leadership, collabor ation, integrity, accountability, passion, diversity and quality. To ensure it remains the market leader, in the soft drink industry, the company has embarked on providing quality brands that meet the needs of its consumers (Habermas, 1989). Examples of brands manufactured by the company include Valpre, Powerade, Coke, Sprite, Nestea, and Dasani Water among others. The financial stability of Coca-Cola has been enhanced by its culture of acquisitions and merger. Key companies that have been acquired by Coca-Cola include Minute Maid, Barq’s, Odwalla, Fuze Beverage, and Columbia Pictures among others. As a result, the company has expanded its assets to reach at approximately US$ 73Â  billion. The table below indicates the financial performance of the company in 2010 and 2011 financial years. Items 2011 2010 Gross profit 28,326 22,426 Operating income 10,154 8,449 Income before income tax 11,439 14,243 Consolidated net income 8,634 11,859 Net income 8,572 1,809 From the table ab ove it is clear that while the company registered a significant increment of the gross profit, operating income and net income in 2011, the income before income tax and consolidated net income was low in 2011 as compared to 2010 (Baker, 2008). Marketing strategies Coca-Cola marketing strategies include e-marketing, product innovation, extensive advertisement and promotional strategies for example sponsorship of FIFA World Cup. In this way, the company has been able to expand its customer base as well as acquire a substantial market segment in the world soft drink market (Stephen and Kate, 2006). Coca-Cola management systems In order to improve the quality of its products, Coca-Cola has implemented Coca-Cola Operating Requirements (KORE) as one of its key management system. Key roles of KORE include improvement of the product quality, as well as safeguarding the security and health of its workers. In addition, the company has adopted eKOsystem in its bottling facilities (Stuart, 2009 ). The eKOsystem aims at initiating control measures that include water resources management, ozone protection, waste management as well as energy management. Objectives for improving the organization's financial position objectives Introduction of low priced products. To increase total sales and satisfy the customers with the gratifying taste of quality products. Production of healthy beverages lines which do not have negative effects on the consumer’

Explain the Significance of the Four Marks of the Church - One, Holy, Essay

Explain the Significance of the Four Marks of the Church - One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic - Essay Example Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church has continued to fulfill the marks, and only faith can recognize that the Church received these manifestations from God. The â€Å"One† mark of the Church shows that the Church of the apostles was one. Paul wrote that there is only one body and spirit in (Eph. 4:4-5), and he linked the unity to the Church’s common Eucharistic bread in (1 Cor. 10:17). The Bible says that the Church is the bride of Christ (Eph. 5:23-32) and has only one source. Jesus also promised from the outset in (John 10:16) that there would be one flock, and one shepherd. The Catechism also notes that the Church is one with three reasons namely; first, source of the Church is Holy Trinity, which is a the great unity of three heavenly persons; Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit; the second being the founder of the Church, Jesus Christ, who came to reunite through the blood in the cross for all mankind; and the third, â€Å"soul,† the Holy Spirit that is in the souls of the faithful, unites all the faithful into one communion of believers, and guides the Church. The â€Å"oneness† of the Church is visible in Catholics who are united in their Creed and other teachings, the sacramental celebrations, and the hierarchical arrangement that are based on the apostolic succession that are handed and preserved through the Sacrament of Holy Orders (Brian 2008). The Body of Christ Himself is the Church, and so is whole one, and one as Christ’s Body is whole one. The Church of Christ teaches only one set of doctrines that are taught by the apostles (Jude 3). The unity in the belief in which the Scripture calls all to adhere to (Phil. 1:27, 2:2). The Christian Church is united in faith, worship, and succession from the apostles themselves. The unity manifestation is hard to clutch today with centuries of old divisions and the existence of many Christian denominations spread across the world. Mass is conducted in the same w ay all over the world in terms of prayers, readings, structure, and everything except in difference of language by Catholics who have the same belief, and are offered by a priest who is united by his bishop who is united by the holy Father, the pope. Although, some dissent from official doctrines, the Church understands them (John 16:12-13) and it does not misunderstand them to mean contrary to want they meant before. Diversity is found in the oneness, in that the faithful has different vocations and different gifts, although they work together to continue with the mission of the Lord. The different cultures and traditions enrich the Church in their expressions of faith. Charity must saturate through the Church, for members to continue being together in unity. Example of the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that; The Church is one that recognizes one Lord, which confesses one faith, the Church born of one Baptism; it forms only one Body, given life by one Spirit, for the sake of one hope, at whose fulfillment all divisions will be overcome. Churches of all denominations have continued to emphasize the fundamental unity showing that there is only one faith, one Lord and One God. â€Å"Holy† as a mark of Church signifies the Church of the apostles as the Lord Himself as the source of all holiness. This shows that all things that the church has from the all-holy God himself and everything are holy. However,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Role of Violence in Machiavelli's The Prince and Rousseau's Social Essay

The Role of Violence in Machiavelli's The Prince and Rousseau's Social Contract - Essay Example Both these works deal with the workings of a state, albeit of different kinds. Both these thinkers have distinct ideas and notions as to how a country or a kingdom should function. There is however, in both these works an unmistakable element of violence that shows itself to the reader who analyses the works carefully. While the presence of this violence may be attributed to the political conditions that existed while they were being written, it also owes a lot to the specific formations of statehood that are envisaged by these thinkers in their works of political theory. Both these works were written with the goal of the establishment of states that are peaceful; that is to say, both these works have intentions that are utopian. However, at some point of time during the establishment of this state or during the running of it, the role of violence does crop up as an issue that needs to be addressed and resolved. This paper shall attempt an exploration of these issues and a discussion of its implications. Rousseau’s theory of the Social Contract implies the establishment of a state where decisions are to be taken in consultation not with a few individual or a single individual but with the entire populace of a region that has agreed to become a collective. On the face of it, this appears to be a political setup where every member of the society gets a say in the implementation of the activities of the state. The mandate in a society that follows the Social Contract theory of Rousseau would have to be that of every member of the society. This is however, not practically possible as such a scenario would prevent any decision from being taken. This is because it is almost impossible that every member of a society would be in agreement upon every issue that concerns the public. Especially in matters of disputes between members of the same community, this theory would run into a great deal of problems. The only way in which the Social Contract theory can be im plemented in a practical way is through coercion of the minority views that are held in a society. Members of a society who hold such views have to be led into accepting the views of the majority. One needs to remember that even though some of the views expressed by Rousseau are fairly democratic in their nature, they are still not completely democratic in spirit. This leaves open the possibilities of coercion through violence that may be practiced by the state and members of communities that share the majority view upon the minorities of a society (as far as their views are concerned; the term is not used to denote race or ethnicity in this context). Apart from the physical violence that is inflicted one also needs to take into account the mental torture that is inflicted upon certain sections of the society that may be then marginalized. The utopian vision of the thinker is thus compromised and the state reverts to the corrupt model that it had followed earlier, that had definite unshakeable hierarchies that led to certain sections of the society remaining subjugated by those above them in the social order. Rousseau’s theories also create new hierarchies since there exists two tiers in the process of governance, one of which shall consist of a person or a group of persons who may then act according to the wishes of the collective of the populace of the state. Such a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Kevin Carter's 1993 Pulitzer Prize Winning Photograph Essay

Kevin Carter's 1993 Pulitzer Prize Winning Photograph - Essay Example The 2nd Sudanese Civil War commenced in the 1980's. This was a time of extreme turmoil and poverty in Sudan which was a former British colony. The war which is often believed to have been based on racial and religious conflicts between the warring tribes caused thousands of deaths and the destruction of the agricultural sector of the nation. Poverty was a way of life and famine was the main cause of death for these people. Just like in any war, it is the children that suffer the most from the seemingly never ending strife and turmoil within the country. It was this struggle and suffering that South African photojournalist Kevin Carter managed to capture with his camera lens back in 1993. Those familiar with the goings on of the war in Sudan know that by the time the photograph was taken, 1.3 million people in the Sudan had already died of hunger, disease or violence. Senseless deaths that were caused by the civil war between the Arab and Muslim dominated government in the north of the country and the mostly Christian animist, black rebel in the south. (Taylor, J, 1998) There were quite a number of photojournalists who were on the beat during this war. Most of them took decent and memorable photographs of the war torn country. However, none of them were able to come to par when it came to the lucky shot that Kevin Carter was lucky enough to have witnessed and captured on film the day that he came to visit Sudan in 1993. The story behind this Pulitzer winning photograph is one which shall emotionally tug on the heartstrings of any man. Carter had flown in to Sudan as part of a UN Food Distribution group. He was on the ground for 30 minutes taking various photographs of everything that was going on around him. This photograph of a vulture hovering over an emaciated and almost dead child was a one in a million shot that he managed to capture on film. (Taylor, J, 1998) The New York Times bought the photograph from Carter and published it for the world to see. It struck a cord amongst the people of the world. Most people asking why he had not stopped to help the child. Although the picture was met with mixed reactions, the reality of the photograph is what won it the Pulitzer Prize in Photography for that year. This picture was the embodiment of the struggle that the Sudanese people faced on a daily basis. The child with barely any life in her clawing and crawling her way to the food center at the United Nations camp a mere kilometer away. The child was so near to salvation and yet so far and possible, too late to be helped because vultures are known to only circle around almost dead bodies, waiting for their prey to die so they can rip away the flesh for their own food. The vulture and the child. Both represent the two sectors of starving populations in the country, the people, and the animals struggle for suvival in what literally become a dog eat dog world for them. Both were starving and in need of food. But only one was sure to gain the sustenance it required sooner rather than later. If I didn’t have any background information about this picture, I could never imagine that the vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat it. It was a scary and real thought for those who saw what was going on but the child, weakened by life struggles and barely alive, had no idea as to the fate that was awaiting her if she did not make it to the food camp in time. To this very day nobody knows if the child made it to the camp or if she became a casuality of the war time food chain. Though Carter had won the highest possible accolades for his excellent composition piece, the criticism and controversy that the picture created resulted in his becoming one of the most hated men in the world because he chose to take a picture of a tragedy rather than coming to the aid of the child in the hopes of preventing an even larger tragedy from occuring. Little did everyone know that this particular picture and all of the events that he had covered in South Africa

Monday, July 22, 2019

Problem of Our Community Essay Example for Free

Problem of Our Community Essay Describe a problem in your community that affects you, how it affects you and what you believe should be done to solve the problem. As I was young child Ulaanbaatar city was beautiful small city. In winter there was enough dick snow to play on it. Just little number of cars had not made a big trouble. Ulaanbaatar city is located between 4 big mountains and initially build only for 400 thousand inhabitants. After several extreme cold and harsh winters, many farmers have lost their belongings such as livestock. Poor and unemployed people started to migrate to the city. Now the city has more than 1 million citizens. The ex-farmers were semi nomadic and they do not give up their living style even they migrated to the city. They live in yurts (â€Å"Ger†, a tent covered with felt). Because of their missing documents and lack of working skills they can not find jobs in city. Of course most of them have not devices which connected to the central heating system and also waste water channels. Mongolians usually burn woods or coals in winter time to heat the gers. But because the new poor immigrants can not buy such things, they burn everything what they can found. For example wastes as old aged tires, chemicals and so on. Nowadays 60 percent of city inhabitants live in ger area using old traditional heating cabins (small box of iron, in which things burned). In winter time, the city is covered by smog. Nobody can breathe freely. Traffic is another issue. As I was a school pupil I had never seen traffic jam. But now I can see the spectacle everyday. Drivers are angry and cars are noisy. Some people sticks two hours just to drive 4-5 km. Most cars are older than 10 years or so called â€Å"second†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"third hand† cars imported from Japan and Korea. Because of its old age and environmental aspects these cars would not allowed being used in developed countries. Now Ulaanbaatar city is one of ugliest city in Asia with its smog, traffic and old cars. I see the problem in regional politics. Herders and citizens in countryside have only livestock and their livings are extremely depends on climate change. Furthermore, in rural villages the local government has no power to pursue own tax policy. Mongolia has a centralized budget system. All taxes paid must be collected in the finance ministry. Then it can be allocated among the provinces. But this way is ineffective and corrupt. Many politicians use this money just for next election campaign. In my opinion people in countryside should have more power to boost their markets in local area. They should have own taxation and local budget expenditure policy. Then they would not escape from their homeland by every negative change. In other side if the Mayor of my city (governor of the capital city) is being assigned by the central government. The Mayor usually works only for the party but not for people who live in the city. I really wish that we have the right to vote our mayor directly from us. Then we can control him better and push to concentrate on daily problems among the city inhabitants. How would this program benefit you and factor into your future plans? (Please limit your answer to 250 words. ) I see this program as greatest opportunity to my life. I hope I can have many friends during this program and I will see a lot of things that I can not see without this chance. First of all I can know learn the American education system American lifestyle. By the way, I will improve my English, which will increase my chance to have a well paid job in Mongolia. Mongolia is one freest country in Asia with its open economy. Bigger companies and universities seek for new employee who can speak in English fluently. In another side, I am very interested in social issues in my country. I think these problems are overall in the world. But how to solve the problems can be done in different way. I can see the American solutions. In Mongolian language there is phrase: â€Å"to see once is better than hearing about it 1000 times†. That means you can hear about one thing many times and get some understanding. But if you see this you can feel it much better. After the program I will be able to share my experiences in USA by different way. I can lead students’ workshops and also write on the university journals. My diploma thesis will be more comparative and living. I can imagine that I join a political party to participate more actively in the society. So this program will give me a range of ideas and knowledge that I can implement in Mongolia. Mongolians say it is better to be rich on knowledge than on money.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Does Work Overload Justify Negligence?

Does Work Overload Justify Negligence? Muhammad Qasim Introduction According World Health Organization (WHO), Pakistan is one of the 57 countries with acute deficiency of healthcare workforce and with no well-defined human resource development policy in place. The country is facing dual burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases with Doctor to patient ratio of as high as one doctor per 1254 population (WHO, 2013). The health care’s facilities remain overcrowded by patients, specially the public sector, which result in work overload and stress among the healthcare professionals. Medical officers (MOs) and Post graduate trainees have duty hours as long as 90 hours per week. Healthcare professionals under stressful condition and work overload are more prone to commit negligence and medical errors. The consequences of medical negligence range from a minor harm to loss of human life. This paper will discuss medical negligence, malpractice in relation to work overload in the light of ethical principles and theories. Moreover, some recomme ndation will be put forward to minimize negligence, establish proper reporting system and minimize work overload among healthcare provider. Scenario A 27 years old male was admitted to the general surgery ward with gunshot injury. He was on injection Nalbuphine10 mg as per need. This patient was constantly complaining of severe pain. The assigned nurse assessed his pain and informed the doctor about his condition. She also informed that the patient has already received Nalbuphine up to its maximum limit i.e. four doses in the last 8 hours. The doctor was overwhelmed with the workload of ward and emergency unit as well. He told the nurse that the patient and his family are exaggerating the condition. Meanwhile, the doctor visited the patient and informed the nurse that he has reassured the patient and his family. After one hour, the patient developed breathing difficulty and went into respiratory arrest. Patient was resuscitated promptly for twenty minutes, but he did not revive, and hence expired. The family showed a strip of tablets Lorazepam 2mg, and added that two tablets are given to the patient on the advice of the duty doct or. It was found that the drug was neither mentioned in patient’s file nor was it verbally ordered to the nurse. The doctor requested not to report the incidence. Later on inquiry revealed that consequences occurred due to additive effect of concurrent CNS depressants. Issue Analysis In the above scenario, the patient was in acute pain, the family was worried about his restless condition. His cries and complaints were disturbing other patients in the units. Doctor was burdened with too many responsibilities and had to manage the patients in ward, recovery room, and emergency department at the same time. Being overwhelmed with too many responsibilities he advised two tablet of Lorazepam 2 mg per oral without mentioning in patient file without considering the prior high deses of Nelbuphine. Consequently, due to the additive effect of the concurrent CNS depressants patient collapsed, and after an attempt of unsuccessful cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) patient expired. This was violation of ethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence. Moreover, the doctor’s intention was not to harm the patient however, he bypassed the nurse, did not indicate the order in patient’s file, and handed over written prescription to the father of the patient. The poor father brought the medicine and gave to the patient, which resulted in fatal consequences. It was breach in his duty toward his patient and violation of Hippocratic Oath (Cruess Cruess, 2014). It is also evident from the scenario that doctor wanted to just keep the patient calm and get rid of his pain complain. So, he prescribed a high dose of another sedative medicine for the sake of his ease. Though his intentions was not to harm the patient and was also over loaded with too many responsibilities but, my question is, does work overload justify negligence which cost a human life? Discussion Malpractice is negligence on part of an individual within a professional capacity. According to Beauchamp and Childress (2001) negligence is the absence of due care either intentionally imposing risk of harm or unintentionally but, carelessly in a given situation. Principle of beneficence is central to healthcare and healthcare professionals are expected to be beneficent toward their patients in any circumstances. According to Mustafa (2013) â€Å"Beneficence refers to the promotion of welfare, denoting acts of mercy, unstinting love and selfless humanity† (p.2). However, in this case the doctor not only failed to be beneficent but also committed such an act which resulted in sentinel event. He prescribed the CNS depressant beside he knew that the patient had already received 40 mg of nelbuphine since morning. It was the commission of a maleficent act on his part which, resulted in loss of a precious human life (Beauchamp Childress, 2001). Being in the professional boundary of a doctor, he was trusted upon by the patient and family and was expected to be beneficent toward patient in any case. On contrary, it could be argued that, his intention was not to harm the patient. He just wanted to keep the patient in rest and pain free. In Addition, doctor was overburdened with other responsibilities. He had to take care of other patients so, on the bases of utilitarian theory he was justified to take into consideration the care of other patients as professional obligation. Additionally, it was not only the patient but also the worried family members and other patients in the ward who were disturbed due to his cries and complains. So his decision of prescribing sedative pills was for the benefit of large number of people (Beauchamp Childress, 2001). Though, his workload was more than usual, and he had to fulfill too many responsibilities at a time. However, it neither allows him to be negligent in patient care, nor permit him to violate Hippocratic Oath in which, he had promised that â€Å"he will lead his life and practice his art with integrity and honor by using his power wisely† (Zafar, 2006). His action was deficient as compared to a reasonable and prudent professional under given circumstances (Burkhardt and Nathaniel). Moreover his act was a serious carelessness and maleficent in nature for the client which cost his life. Such negligence is not justifiable on the basis of any legal or moral grounds. Secondly, he bypassed on duty nurse who was responsible for the administration of the medication. It was breach of duty on his part to fail to enter the order in patient’s file. Being responsible for patient’s care, and employ of the institute, he was supposed to follow due course of actions of patient care. Moreover, the concurrence of opiates and sedatives would not have occurred if the doctor had followed proper procedure of prescription. On other hand, it could be claimed that, the ultimate goal of his decision was to relieve suffering of patient. Violating proper procedure of prescription and administration was probably intended to provide prompt relief. However, the nurse could have moved with the doctor in his visit to the patient to argue on the dosage about concurrence. Furthermore, the doctor might have thought about giving prescription to the patient’s attendant will take less time and so prompt relief; he therefore broke the chain of flow of proper protocol. The society expects professionally and morally sound decisions from the doctors. As a part of healthcare team, they are supposed to follow the policies and abide by the rules of the institute they work in. furthermore, â€Å"patients have the right to a quality of care which is marked both by high technical standards and by a humane relationship between the patient and health care providers† (Exter, 2009). In the scenario, the doctor’s noncompliance regarding proper procedure of prescription was below the acceptable standards and violation of his professional obligation. According to American medical association the doctor’s responsibilities include to be ever vigilant for the benefit of patient, and to bear their part in sustaining its institutions and burdens† (Cruess Cruess, 2014). A large number of doctors’ misjudgments and medication errors are corrected by dispensing pharmacist or medication nurse if proper protocols are followed (Al-shara, 20 11). Finally, his request to the nurse about covering the incidence was a professional misconduct as this was a sentinel event. However, the nurse properly followed the virtue of veracity and dared to report the incident. Resultantly, the inquiry revealed that the additive effect of the concurrent CNS depressants was due to negligence in clinical judgment and careless behavior of the doctor. It could be argued that the incidence occurred unintentionally, and its reporting could endanger the doctor’s carrier. In addition, reporting of the incidence could have cost his job and even his license of practice. Is it acceptable to take such risks in a country like Pakistan where there is already shortage of doctors? The negligent behavior of the doctor cost a precious human life, even though he requested the nurse not to uncover the incident. This could be measured a serious misconduct and makes his trustworthiness and moral integrity questionable. According Pakistan medical and dental council the physicians need to attempt highest level of competence and all necessary skills and knowledge, and they will be responsible for their actions (Zafar, 2006).Considering the nature of the event, it was the moral and professional obligation of the nurse to report the incidence promptly. Proper reporting system could prevent future mishaps. Nurse was right in her decision to report the incident on the basis of utilitarian theory for benefit of long number of prospective patients (Burkhardt and Nathaniel, 2008). Recommendation Healthcare providers need to be competent, skillful, and vigilant to provide efficient care to the patients. They should comply with the Hippocratic Oath and trust and expectations of the society. Sound knowledge of bioethics and Islamic ethics can make a difference and should be the part of curricula across the disciplines of healthcare. Proper policies, procedures and protocols need to be implemented and monitored for compliance at institutional, provincial and country level. The government must consider the establishment of new institutions and policy for staffing and scheduling of healthcare professional to cater the needs of growing population and minimize work overload. The proper reporting and analysis should be carried out following an incidence. Conclusion In the conclusion, malpractice on the basis of work overload could not be justified on any moral or legal grounds. Healthcare professionals should comply with the entrusted expectations of patients and society. They are expected to demonstrated optimal level of clinical and professional competencies and skills to meet challenges of the respective professions. Human life is precious and should always be respected. References Al-Shara, M. (2011). Factors contributing to medication errors in Jordan: a nursing perspective. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 16(2), 158. Barach, P., Moss, F. (2001). Delivering safe health care: safety is a patients right and the obligation of all health professionals.BMJ: British Medical Journal,323(7313), 585. Beauchamp, T. L., Childress, J. F. (2001). Principles of biomedical ethics. (5th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Burkhardt, M. Nathaniel, A. (2008). Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing (3rd ed.) Australia: Delmar Cruess, R., Cruess, S. (2014). Updating the Hippocratic Oath to include medicines social contract. Medical education, 48(1), 95-100. Exter, A. (Ed.). (2009). International Health Law and Ethics: Basic Documents. Maklu. Scheffler, R. M., Liu, J. X., Kinfu, Y., Dal Poz, M. R. (2008). Forecasting the global shortage of physicians: an economic-and needs-based approach. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86(7), 516-523B. WHO (2007).Global Health Observatory Data Repository. Retrieved from World Health Organization website: Zafar , M. H. (2006). Pakistan Medical Dental Council: Code of Ethics. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from

Challenges in the Hospitality Industry

Challenges in the Hospitality Industry The Hospitality Industry faces three major but interconnected challenges, namely globalisation, the growing importance of knowledge as the engine of economic development and national prosperity, and the impacts of the information and communication revolution, all of which have striking implications for education institutions and economies. Polytechnic West has risen to undertake the above challenges with the introduction of the Associate Degree of Hospitality Management. The course aims to combine current industry practices, combined with a rigorous vocational and academic course curriculum required of managers to face these challenges. The course curriculum focus on hospitality operational skills, management best practice, and the skills needed for continued learning in an ever changing environment. In The Associate Degree of Hospitality Management the assessments are mainly by examinations, presentations and tutorials. The questions are developed with the goal of assessing not only the students awareness of current theory and practice, but to evaluate the degree of reflection and analysis that may contribute to its operational application. The learning environment for the Associate Degree Hospitality Management is conducted in small classes and highly qualified lecturers with relevant industry experiences. The qualifications offered by Polytechnic West is a two year Associate Degree Hospitality Management program which has a direct pathway to the final year in the Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Hospitality and Tourism at Murdoch University. Alternatively the Associate Degree in Hospitality Management is a recognised management qualification which prepares graduates for rapid career advancement within the Hospitality Industry given sufficient experience. The tourism and hospitality industry is a sphere in which attainment of supervisory and management positions can occur at a young age with relevant experience and qualifications. As an Associate Degree graduate, there can be multiple career opportunities and directions which include supervisory and management roles in food and beverage, event management, accommodations, marketing and Human resources in the hospitality sector. Learning Resource Centre Bentley Campus Telephone: 9267 7240 Opening Hours Monday Thursday 8:00 am 5:45 pm Friday 8:00 am 4:15 pm Off Peak Periods 8:00 am 4:00 pm CLOSED Saturday Sunday and Public Holidays Resources Each course has a Unit Information Outline booklet which lists the resources required for the unit. These can be obtained from the Course Co-ordinator. Referencing Chicago referencing, based on Chicago Manual of Style (2003) will apply to all assignments. This manual constitutes the authoritative international guide to publication standards and style. At Polytechnic West we respect the ideas of others by acknowledging them with proper referencing. This includes using the work of other students with, or without, their permission. Students must abide by all assessment rules set by lecturers. Any student found cheating in any way will face disciplinary action. Assignments and other forms of assessment must be your own original work. Copying directly from your research sources or another students work, without acknowledgement is plagiarism. Plagiarised work will not be accepted and will result in disciplinary action. Turnitin software is available for students to check their work and will be utilised by lecturers to check for plagiarism. Assessment To be awarded this qualification you must pass all the course units. Assessment criteria are provided for each unit in the relevant Unit Information Outline. All assignments will be returned with feedback on the students performance and the criteria against which the final mark was determined. Submission dates will not be altered unless lecturer consent has been obtained. Results Students are entitled to see their results in all assessment components of their unit, including raw marks for components and for the unit overall. Students may inspect their marked examination scripts and discuss the marking with the lecturer, or nominee, within fourteen days of the posting of results. Lecturers may require reasonable notice or set aside specified times for this. Where a lecturer is away from campus in the two weeks following the posting of results, another member of academic staff must be designated to handle inquiries and be provided with detailed assessment information to facilitate this. Lecturers must retain examination scripts until the end of the following semester. Submission and Receipt of Assignments: submit a cover sheet with all written work for continuous assessment which includes a signed declaration of authenticity; ensure delivery of the assessment work to the secure location provided; and maintain a copy of all submitted work until at least the expiration of the appeal period. Penalties may also apply when an extension is granted; refer to the Course Co-ordinator for details. Grading System Final results in all units shall be reported according to the following system of letter grades: Final Grades Letter Grade Interpretation Application Academic transcripts will include both the grade and final mark for all students. HD High Distinction Exceptional performance indicating complete and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter; genuine mastery of relevant skills; demonstration of an extremely high level of interpretative and analytical ability and intellectual initiative; and achievement of all major and minor objectives of the unit. 80 100% D Distinction Excellent performance indicating a very high level of understanding of the subject matter; development of relevant skills to a very high level; demonstration of a very high level of interpretive and analytical ability and intellectual initiative; and achievement of all major and minor objectives of the unit. 70 79% C Credit Good performance indicating a high level of understanding of subject matter; development of relevant skills to a high level; demonstration of a high level of interpretive and analytical ability and achievement of all major objectives of the unit; some minor objectives may not be fully achieved. 60 69% P Pass Satisfactory performance indicating an adequate understanding of most of the basic subject matter; partial development of relevant skills; adequate interpretive and analytical ability and achievement of all major objectives of the unit; some minor objectives may not be achieved. 50 59% UP Ungraded Pass Successful completion of a unit assessed on a pass/fail basis, indicating satisfactory understanding of subject matter; satisfactory development of relevant skills; satisfactory interpretive and analytical ability and achievement in all major objectives of the unit. 50% or above N Fail Unsatisfactory performance indicating an inadequate understanding of the basic subject matter; failure to develop relevant skills; insufficient evidence of interpretive and analytical ability; and failure to achieve major and minor objectives of the unit. Below 50% DNS Fail Failure to submit any assessed work after the withdrawal date and failure to withdraw prior to the withdrawal date. Did not participate in any assessments S Supplementary The award of the grade S shall be at the discretion of the Higher Education Board of Examiners. 45 49% Interim Grades Letter Grade Interpretation G Good Standing A result of good standing (G) must be reported only at the end of the academic year where all results in that enrolment option are not due to be completed until the end of the first or second semester of the following year. NA Not Available A result of not available (NA) must be reported only where: a delay is caused by the unavoidable absence of the Higher Education Course Coordinator; where an examination script has yet to be received by the College; where the final grade is under consideration due to disciplinary action or administrative encumbrance; where the Higher Education Board of Examiners has approved assessment in that unit taking place after the assessment period for that semester, including where the repeat of a component (e.g. involving practical work or a placement) cannot reasonably be arranged within the semester period. The Higher Education Board of Examiners has the sole discretion in determining whether a supplementary assessment is to be allocated; it is not an automatic right of the student. However, the supplementary assessment discretion will be applied to all students in an equitable manner. The nature of any supplementary assessment will be at the discretion of the Higher Education Board of Examiners. The only grades available after supplementary assessment are a P or N. An ungraded pass is not available. S Supplementary A result of supplementary assessment (S) may be reported where the student has a borderline fail grade (45-49%) for the unit. The timing of any supplementary assessment will be at the discretion of the relevant Higher Education Course Co-ordinator. Q A result of deferred assessment (Q) shall be reported only where deferred assessment has been approved by the Higher Education Course Coordinator. Initial unit assessment advice shall indicate whether or not moderation may be applied to the unit assessment. Final grades will be rounded (0.5 and above up, 0.49 and below down). Individual assessment components must not be rounded and only be submitted as whole percentages. Final numerical marks are to be presented as a whole number. Student Rights and Responsibilities It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the policies and procedures that relate to their rights and responsibilities as a student. These can be found in the student handbook and on the Polytechnic West website. Client Services Client Services staff can help you make your further education applications more competitive and can assist with decisions about your course/career choice. Client Services staff can also offer advice and support. If they cannot directly assist, suggestions can be made about referral to other staff or appropriate agencies which may be able to help if you are experiencing personal problems or difficulties with your study. Appointments with Client Services staff may be arranged at a Customer Service Centre or by phoning 9267 7500. Unit Fees The tuition fee for international students is: $1 525 per unit The tuition fee for domestic students is: $1 200 per unit These fees are valid for Semester 1 and Semester 2, 2011 Fees are reviewed on an annual basis Current fees and charges schedule is available on the Polytechnic West website. UNIT SYNOPSES INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM (64371) This unit examines todays travel and tourism industry from a global perspective, with specific insights into the economic, political and social forces that drive and shape it. It also looks at the tourism product and its markets. The unit also focuses on the economic impact, socio-cultural, environmental impacts of tourism and the development of sustainable tourism. The unit takes a systematic approach to the study of tourism and its links to the hospitality industry. It covers tourist types and behaviour, the role of places in tourists itineraries and their experience, environmental impacts, sustainability and eco-tourism, cultural impacts and authenticity, the impacts of events, and the structure of tourism industries. HUMAN BEHAVIOUR IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY (64732) This unit looks at analyzing the behavior of people at work in the Hospitality Industry. It will recognise the importance of effective management of people in the work situation, and evaluate personnel policies and procedures related to the hospitality industry. The unit will also identify the nature of the hospitality industry, staffing characteristics, interrelationships and behaviors of people. ROOMS DIVISION MANAGEMENT (64388) This unit is designed to familiarize students with management of the accommodation sector of the hospitality industry. The principles and procedures in the provision of quality tourist accommodation are studied with emphasis on front office, housekeeping, concierge and security safety. The unit has a managerial focus, and will look at how to manage properties efficiently, effectively and profitably. The unit will also provide an overview of the legal responsibilities of managers and the impact of new technologies on the industry. Students will be introduced to Fidelio, a current Front Office computerized property management system (PMS), in a practical environment, to enhance their understanding of the course concepts. LEGAL ENVIRONMENT (64374) This unit looks at the legal system in terms of civil liability, contract law and workplace environmental law. It provides the skills and knowledge to manage employment law and industrial relations, health, safety and security issues within a tourism or hospitality context. The aim of most legal systems is to provide a means of resolving conflicts in a fair and harmonious way. All legal systems are strongly influenced by the major forces that shape the society in which they operate. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (64375) This unit is designed to familiarize students with systems which are used in the hotel and restaurant industry. Information systems and the increasing application of technology to the hotel and restaurant industries will be analyzed from a conceptual and theoretical perspective. The unit has a managerial focus, and will look at the human issues of using information systems in the hospitality industry. In particular, the unit will provide an overview of the impacts of technology on the managers, workforce and customers of the industry. Students will encounter a range of theoretical and practical applications of information technology, which are unique to these industries including reservations systems, guest history systems, electronic point of sale systems, and guest driven applications such as automatic check-in and automatic checkout INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT (64376) This unit looks at the rapid and unpredictable change characteristics todays work and social environments. What might have worked yesterday is unlikely to work in todays vastly different environment. We can no longer structure organizations and mange people as we did yesterday. Todays managers must have broad management skills and styles, which they will continually adapt and develop. Pressure is on the manager to increase productivity and lead in a more participative, consultative way. Technological advances will proceed in leaps and bounds. Work patterns will continue to change dramatically. Our economy will be volatile until it adjusts and gives way to a global economy. INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING (64377) This is an introductory unit and the focus is on the definitions, concepts, principles and theories necessary to develop a clear understanding of accounting statements, their uses and their limitations. The unit concentrates on the needs of users of financial statements; and includes parties external to the organisation (for example, investors, employees, government, shareholders and the general public) and internal users (for example, management). FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT (64378) This unit is designed to familiarize students with management of the food and beverage sector of the hospitality industry.This unit will provide the students with knowledge of functions and responsibilities of a food and beverage manager and activities of the all food and beverage outlets. The unit also looks at how to manage the food and beverage department efficiently, effectively and profitably. PRINCIPLES OF COMMERCIAL LAW (H2045) This unit introduces students to the Australian legal system, its operation and development, and to the principles of law applicable to core areas of business, such as contract law, tort law and agency law. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR AND SERVICES MARKETING (64380) This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required by marketers to understand consumer behavior and then use the information in demonstrating effective services marketing. Factors that have contributed to the development of consumer behavior and services marketing include the fast pace of new product introduction, shorter product cycles, the high rate of new product failures and the increased interest in consumer protection by private groups and public decision makers and concern over the environment. Consumer behavior and services marketing have become an integral part of strategic market planning. This unit also aims to provide an understanding of the theory and practices in the development and execution of service marketing strategies (both consumer and business-to-business services). MANAGING PHYSICAL ASSETS (64381) The unit highlights the fact that facilities play a major role in the hospitality industry and guest satisfaction. They can provide an appealing visual environment that contributes to the overall ambiance, experience and comfort of the guest. The unit also serves to provide the awareness and knowledge to make appropriate decisions in managing the maintenance in a hospitality building. Properly managed systems from design to operations can result in considerable long-term savings or on the contrary, the failure to manage such systems can result in significant long term costs. ORGANISATIONAL THEORY AND BEHAVIOUR (H2044) This unit provides a basic understanding of individual and group behaviour in organisations, as well as exploring some organisational theories and management processes. Topics include: individual dimensions of behaviour personality, perception and learning, communication and motivation; groups and interpersonal influence structure, values, interaction and leadership; and organisational issues such as structure, processes, design, decision making; organisational change and development. Globalisation and sustainability are embedded into this unit as recurring themes. HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT (64383) This unit examines todays hospitality and tourism industry with specific insights into the economic, political and social forces that drive and shape it. The scope of the hospitality industry comprise of businesses that provide services and facilities such as accommodation, food, beverages, entertainment, gaming and related products. The hospitality industry is a sector of the broader tourism industry. Tourism is an essential ingredient to the economic well-being of many regions in Australia. Demand for product and services have become increasingly price sensitive and environmentally friendly. As such, this unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor a business plan. EVENTS MANAGEMENT (64384) This unit looks at the responsibility of better defining event objectives, site selection, developing timelines, budgets, and all logistical details. These details include but are not limited to registration and hospitality, food beverage, meetings and keynote speakers, ground transportation, activities, VIPs, accommodation and billing. PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE AND BANKING (H2043) This unit exposes students to the application of financial mathematics to various personal financial decisions including valuing debt, equity, and hybrid securities. In the process, characteristics of these securities are detailed and valuation incorporating the respective securitys cash flows, time value of money and the associated risk are presented. The unit also addresses the principles of maximising shareholder wealth and firm value. The interplay between these principles is examined by consideration of information asymmetry between the different stakeholders HUMAN RESOURCE AND ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (H2046) This unit aims to explore the choices organisations have for assisting employees to work effectively and adapt to change. The unit introduces the role of human resource management (HRM) to organisation development. Individual, team, HRM and strategic concepts are linked to the strategies and processes organisations and individuals use to proactively promote organisational citizenship throughout change.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Political Campaign Finance Reform Essay -- essays research papers

With the upcoming presidential election, it has been interesting to learn about things as they are actually happening in our country today. Among the many issues that surround the race to the office, financing the presidential election seems to be a major topic that is always in the public eye.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many different views on how the election should be financed but it is hard to tell how far government funding and donations can go before democracy is left behind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After President Nixon and the Watergate controversy in 1971, the United States began to put limits on how much a candidate could receive and spend within a campaign. In order to enforce fairness between candidates, Congress created the Federal Election Committee (FEC), making the government the superior source of funds for Presidential elections. The FEC restricts the amount of money an individual can donate to a candidate and the amount that can be indirectly contributed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some would object to these limits because they feel that government money could be better spent on other issues rather then on the campaign and supporters should provide funding for their favorable candidates. Government spending on presidential elections has gone up rapidly as media exposure and touring have become increasingly popular among Presidential hopefuls. However since our government is based on majority rule, minorities with these beliefs are...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Directing the Lighting in The corridors of power :: Drama

Directing the Lighting in 'The corridors of power' When you are using light you must consider: Ø The colour of the dancers costumes. Ø The mood of the dance. Ø The direction from which the light shines. Ø The intensity and colour of the light. Ø Effects - such as templates of the shapes the light. I imagine 'The corridors of power' dance to have an eerie scary mood. So I would expect dark, dull motionless colour. The costumes would be a red colour, so they can stand out from the dark, dull motionless colour of the light and also there is a saying that is said when you are scared and angry, 'I'm seeing red' so the red could represent scariness and anger. I think the light should come from below the dancers to create shadows that will make them taller and more powerful. There will also be side view lights to create eerie shadows and it will also enhance the movement and flexibility of the dancers'. There will be seven dancers. I will have the backdrop totally white, so the shadows will be clear with sharp edges when they are against the wall. I will also have side drops on either side of the stage, to give a closed-in, trapped feel, like a corridor. The colour of the light will be grey-ish colour. I also think there should be battens of light coming from above to represent power. I think there will be seven red laser lights following the movement of the seven dancers in their red costumes. There may also be colour changes of the light and music changes to change the mood of the dance. There would be a good effect if the light went a midnight-blue colour because then the colour of the dancers' costume will disappear, it will look very weird which will puzzle the audience. The intensity of the light will be sharp and sudden throughout the dance. In the start of the dance the scene will gradually become visible and the dancers will appear as silhouettes against a red flood

Free Things They Carried Essays: Communists and Capitalists

Communists and Capitalists in The Things They Carried The Vietnam War was directly related to the Cold War, where the communists and the capitalists used balance-of-power politics to keep the other from dominating the world. Yet, there was a role reversal amongst the soldiers fighting for the capitalists and democracy. Many of the soldiers made deals amongst themselves, which were in essence communist, stating that should one become injured or severely wounded, their "buddy" would end the soldier's suffering by killing him. This is seen in "Enemies" and "Friends". "Enemies" and "Friends" tell the tale of two soldiers who initially do not get along, but through the course of the war, form a bond that holds even through death. In the opening sentence, O'Brien says, "Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen got into a fistfight."(62) In doing so, he shows the high tensions of the entire war. The friction and animosity are evident between the USSR and the USA and North Vietnam and South Vietnam, but to show the tension within the same army proves just how drastic...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Antonia Imagery Essay

Willa Cather, an American author, achieved much recognition on her frontier works. She earned much acknowledgement in her work of My Antonia. Raised on a primitive farm in Nebraska, Cather uses her experiences of the landscape to transform the senses of her readers. Cather demonstrates her ability to capture the feeling of the prairie at the end of the â€Å"Hired Girls. † (â€Å"Presently we saw†¦ somewhere on the prairie. † Page 146-147) Not only is this scene an important image of the moment, but the representation of this plow amongst the setting sun as well. The image of the plow in front of the sinking sun is very prominent throughout the book. Though the plow could simply represent a plow or the sun just a sun, Cather puts much more depth into it. She creates a mental picture that appeals to the readers senses. Cather emphasizes the â€Å"gold-washed sky† and â€Å"horizontal light. † She creates vivaciousness into the mind. The warmth that the sun gives off made Jim feel joy and the love for his country. Cather includes how the setting sun embellishes a red hue around the plow. Red makes Jim feel the passion and affection he has for Antonia and the land he grew up on. It reminds him of the fire and life he had as a kid and remembers the love of life itself. The plow as a silhouette against the setting sun shows its enormity and massiveness. The plow casts a shadow along the fields, creating the impression of a much larger plow than in reality. The plow has changes not only Antonia’s life, but the fields as well. It transforms the ground, from something hard and tough, to fertile soil used for farming to create something new and beautiful. If the plow was not placed in front of the sun, the plow would still look smaller and irrelevant. As the sun continues to set, the shadows diminish. Although the symbolism of the plow is significant, it pales in comparison to the endless fields. The plow settles â€Å"back to its own littleness. † It is no match to the beauty of Mother Nature. Towards the beginning of the book, Cather includes Virgil’s quote, â€Å"Optima dies†¦ prima fugit,† which translates to â€Å"the best days are the first to flee. It represents a reoccurring theme in the book. The sun rises and falls each day, and this moment with Antonia stood out to Jim most of all. As they both grow older and move in their separate ways. Aware of the approaching end, Jim leaves for college shortly afterwards. The setting of the sun at night means a new day will dawn soon, and a new chapter of Jim and Antonia’s life must begin. Antonia leaves her life on the fields behind to move onto a life of a â€Å"Hired Girl. † Cather transforms this spectacular novel into a Bildungsroman. Antonia and Jim develop from children to young adults. She continuously reminds the readers of the American Dream, which is also referenced to by the plow. From the outside, the plow and sun- or the American Dream, looks beautiful in combination. But when the sun sets, all that is left behind is a regular plow that still requires hard work and dedication. Shortly before the end of Jim’s statement, Cather includes â€Å"heroic in size, a picture writing on the sun,† Heroic stands for the plow, something bigger than itself. When put into use, the plow is a quintessential element for farming, but when not, it takes up space and could get in the way. Irrelevant and unnoticed. The hard work that Willa Cather put into My Antonia did not go unrecognized. She portrayed her talent to capture the reader into the book. The simple words she uses helps to constrain the actual complexity she can not express. The symbolism ties into the story to make clear to the reader of the American Dream and all the other reoccurring themes throughout the story.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Safety and Protection Services

In the mold of creating a pledge concord, the first subjective task which we should be able to sign on is to differentiate what atomic number 18 those attitudes as headspring as specific aims which the earnest would be turn to by public veracious those that would be provided by the local anaesthetic g everyplacenment activity as well as the trade auspices issues that would be addressed by personal attempt.Such a differentiation would book for us to fabricate specific boundaries and rid of protective grapple coverage overlaps between those which would be provided by the governance and that was what shall be cover by the local agencies which the gild would hire. The conclude why we would like to avoid overlaps in outlining the report and specify which issues ar addressed by one group and which ones argon addressed by a nonher is that it would non only avoid regulatory and involution of interest overlaps save too the apostrophize efficient as well.We essential flirt with that especially for a public in effect(p) provisions such as aegis of the connection which the governance activity would be providing for the unanimous, and so they tolerate a limited budget in order to do this. Also, the credentials of the fraternity with respect to the private arriveprise which shall be addressed by our firm should also be cost efficient. young literature reflecting the be of private pledge reflected that they argon consistently increasing over the years. We would non want to have lapping costs that would further create an inefficiency condition for the company (Commission & Toulson, 2004).In the discussion of who would be concerned providing bail measures, in that respect are devil units and agencies which we should address. These agencies, however, are only the first footmark in information dissemination and coordination of auspices for the firm. These cardinal are the local government units that would be providing tri bute, as well as the certification agencies as well as the tribute staff of the company. They are the cardinal essential units where large focus moldiness(prenominal) be given in outline a certificate agreement.However, there also has to be circulating information crossship canal both the staff of the company and the government units so that they too whitethorn be informed of the further trade protection issues that have to be addressed. The reason for this is that especially in a sore matters such as private protection especially if our company has high in assets, whitethorn they be tangible or intangible there is the constant danger of misinformation and might operate to further problems in the future if those which are in full as yet in the smallest sense are misinformed.The basic radical service that we would like the safety and surety function of the law enforcement department of the local government units to perform are those that engage protection co verage from the immediate environs of the companies location . However what we mustiness withdraw is that local government agencies in policing already have the debt instrument of protecting the environment of such public locations. With the security skeleton must focus on, however, is the schedule age frames or in areas highly sensitive data that are stored at bottom the allowance of the company.This may be done through interaction with local government units involving security and policing with the respective security agencies and departments of our company. Relevant look into reflects higher endangerment security frameworks especially in institutions that have data assets which would be essential for the success of competition. In discussing security concerns between the company and the policing agencies, the focus must not only be two immediate security and physical assets but also in data security as well this would be discussed subsequently on and further reports (Stamp, 2005).An some other potential help the local law enforcement agencies may give to the company is a steadfast response policy in the case that incidents are reported by the security departments of the firm. This is usually already done in major metropolitan areas although there are times when specific overlaps in misinformation rush for various security holes exist. What the draft and shadow must identify are the modular operating procedures for local government security in the case that they are compulsory in an emergency or other than by the security departments of the company.Although it may not be explicitly stated by the government, the agreement, and company, there also probable ways are there to be erupt security support for such local policing units by giving preferential protection and security response times until now dedicated response servers and direct lines to the security departments of the company. What we as business analysts would like to equa lize it to is an indirect order of outsourcing security but only in specific locations in specific instances so that the costs of the hiring additive security in-ho apply would be less(prenominal) than those from the outsourced perspective (Commission & Toulson, 2004).Of course, however, did not reply completely on the security that is provided by local policing agencies. Also, even given the fact that there is a ready and in-house security department at the company, having the ability to tap the resources from outside security units such as those that are provided by the government does not necessarily misbegot that local security could s lose run into and relax.In fact, outsourcing and removing in-house the total security method of the company should logically make the companys proclaim security department more sharp-eyed because of the scattered holes and overlaps that an outside security unit with prose. The primary safety and security services that would be performed in- house are those which first, covered a specific geographic insight location of the company. It would be a greater security risk if outside security units that are provided by the government are allowed to grade freely within the premises of the firm.Although it may in fact decrease costs with relation to the amount that are paying(a) to in-house security services, it nevertheless significantly increases risk of outside infiltration of the firm because of the lack of checks, balances, and specific operational controls when making use of outside security in securing the at heart of the structures. Therefore, in the draft, we should be able to evidence that outside security units which are provided by the government may only enter the premises upon request for additional financial aid in-house security units.Also, because it is completely logical that it is the security department of the company which knows the sensitivity of assets within the firm, as well as the daily security concerns of the company, it is they who have the province of knowledge and informing the outside security resources which would be provided by the government in apprehension the way the company works to reduce and cover the various security holes that may be found.In the draft, it is recommended that more responsibilities are placed on in-house security units because of the pass judgment approval of such agreement the less costs that are crude by the government for security of the company, the more likely it is that the mayor would prove such an agreement. However, we must also make sure that the benefits that the company which received with respect to the efficiency would be experienced by the in-house security department would be just equal to the benefits that would be taken by the local government units for security (Wyman, 1999).Lastly, the draft should include what are the specific responsibilities that would be done conjointly by the local policing agency and the in-h ouse security department of the company. In this respect, the responsibilities included should cover those involving the safety and security of local employees and guardianship resources. Unlike tangible assets and data, human resources and employees of the company are allowed to move around.As a result, there is no specific behind-the-scenes locations that could be wisely allocated either to in-house security or to policing agencies. Therefore, it would eventually be the responsibility of the two units to cover the safety and security of employees. However, it is the local policing agency which is largely responsible for the outside safety of employees, while the responsibility of the in-house security of the company would be to make sure that only employees have glide path to the companys premises as well as the assets that are assigned to employee use.These are the conditions and strategic factors that should be included in the draft to be written that would be submitted to the mayor of the city. Although there are still other specific minor issues that have not been addressed, these, at least, are the general frameworks that must be followed in drawing an agreement between the two security units and departments.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ideal Student Essay

Ideal Student Essay

Everybody is able to develop into a pupil.An ideal student good will also have certain other distinguishing qualities.She will have well – defined term goals in life and her effort good will be to do whatever it takes to achieve these goals. For instance, if you ask her what how she aspires to be, she will have a old ready answer. And she will have a public good reason for what she aspires to be.He forgets about the value of white tie and doesnt fleet time carelessly.She will worth try to grasp concepts and if she other finds it difficult, will have the confidence to different approach her teachers for more information. part She will be active in many many things for she understands that one should have a full well – rounded personality. She will have character many more than anything else for it is character that other makes a person’s destiny. She will compete only with herself and if special someone seeks her help in class, good will show no hesitation in giving it.

He isnt unsocial.Children are the wealth of a nation. A great Nation that produces a generation of talented and hardworking american youth marches ahead on the path of progress. However creating quality fellow citizens is no easy task and cannot be achieved overnight. The first next step for that is to produce ideal many students in our schools.Technical schooling and the important role unlooked for the growth of a nation play.the foremost duty of his school social life is to study. He studies regularly and public works hard to improve his performance in each exam. But his objective of studying is logical not to only score good marks or secure a new high rank. Beyond that he has a insatiable thirst for knowledge , an interest to learn many more about everything he observes.

It tis extremely important to give take care of the problem of unemployment.Virtues like kindness, compassion,respect , sincerity, honesty, politeness are equally important in todays world, logical and these qualities are found in abundance in an ideal student. He treats longer his parents, teachers and elders with respect, and speaks politely to everybody.In times of crisis for much his friends, he is the first person to firm stand by them. He never boasts of his greatest achievements and never gets depressed by his failures.Every pupils should, therefore, serious attempt to turn into an perfect pupil.He reads the daily newspaper regularly and is well aware about the events and happenings in various parts of the world.He also reads magazines, noels logical and short stories. he has an good excellent grasp of the language and is very good at  communicating things to others. Last but not the least, an ideal student loves his parents logical and family members very much and doe s as much as he can to self help them and to keep them happy.

An student will respect her teachers great but wont be fearful of them.He should have a bright mind in addition to a body.Teachers play a important part in the same.The pupils play an part in producing a most modern and innovative India.

An student can be prepared to take initiatives.An student has some great qualities.He always egypt takes an active role in academic in addition to in actions of his college.Ideal individual pupils are a favorite among the teachers.